How to format pen drive from terminal in Ubuntu

Many times it happens that your pen drive or memory cards does not formatted from file manager so you have to format it from terminal. In this tutorial, it is shown that how to format pen drive or any other hard-disk or memory card from terminal using commands in Ubuntu.

This tutorial gives you a complete idea of how to format pen drive from terminal and which commands you have to type.

I also attached the screenshots of this commands from terminal window step by step


[1]  First of all type the below command for know the

name of your pen drive or memory card.

[here | (pipe) operator is used which is given above your enter key in most of keyboards.]

        dmesg | tail
  [2]  Then unmount your pen drive using the following command.
            sudo umount /dev/sdb1
           And enter your password.
 [3]  Then enter the following command to format your pen drive with
           FAT32 partition.
  sudo mkfs.vfat -n ‘Ubuntu’ -I /dev/sdb1
 Your pen drive is now formatted and ready to use.

Basic Data Plotting with Matplotlib: Histograms

Getting Started with a simple example

In order to make a histogram, we need obviously need some data.  Rather than make canned data manually, like in the last section, we are going to use the power of the Numpy python numerical library.  If you don’t have Numpy installed, and run a Debian based distribution, just fire up the following command to install it on your machine:

sudo apt-get install python-numpy

What we will use for our data is 1000 random numbers, drawn from a Gaussian distribution.  This is the common “normal” distribution, or the “bell curve” that occurs so frequently in nature.  We will use a Gaussian centred about zero, with a standard deviation of 1.0 (this is the default for numpy.random.normal):

from numpy.random import normal
gaussian_numbers = normal(size=1000)

Now that we have something to plot, let’s do it!  The pyplot.hist() method is used for generating histograms, and will automatically select the appropriate range to bin our data. With axis labels, a title, and the show() method, our code will look like this:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from numpy.random import normal
gaussian_numbers = normal(size=1000)
plt.title("Gaussian Histogram")
Matplotlib’s histogram will default to using 10 bins, as the figure below shows.

Formatting & Tweaking Our Histogram

We have 1000 points, so 10 bins is a bit small, and makes our histogram look pretty blocky.  Let’s up the resolution by forcing matplotlib to use 20 bins instead.

plt.hist(gaussian_numbers, bins=20)


Next, let’s try plotting things as a probability distribution instead of just frequency counts.  This will let have matplotlib integrate the total area of the histogram (this is just the total number in the array we feed matplotlib), and scale the values appropriately so that rather than showing how many numbers in each bin, we instead have a probability of finding a number in that bin.  The total area of the histogram in this curve will be 1.

plt.hist(gaussian_numbers, bins=20, normed=True)


Another task we might want to do is plot a cumulative distribution function.  This shows the probability of finding a number in a bin or any lower bin. Making this is as simple as throwing a single argument flag to hist(), just like making a probability distribution.

plt.hist(gaussian_numbers, bins=20, normed=True, cumulative=True)


Matplotlib will automatically compute appropriate bins for us, but often we need to know where our bins begin and end.  Matplotlib allows us to pass a sequence of values defining the edges of our bins.  Let’s see how many numbers are between -10 and -1, between -1 and 1, and between 1 and 10.

plt.hist(gaussian_numbers, bins=(-10,-1,1,10))


You also might want to change the look of the histogram. Let’s to plot an unfilled, stepped line rather than filled bars. I personally prefer the ‘stepfilled’ option for histtype, as it removes the ugly black lines between the bins.  Those lines can get rather crowded if you have more than a few hundred bins, and end up really wrecking the look of your plot.

plt.hist(gaussian_numbers, bins=20, histtype=’step’)


Like a line plot, we can also plot two sets of values on the same axis with a histogram.  In this case though, the plots will obscure each other if the histogram is filled.  We can fix this problem easily using matplotlib’s ability to handle alpha transparency.  Let’s make a histogram of uniformly distributed random numbers from -3 to 3 in red with 50% transparency over top the blue Gaussian.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from numpy.random import normal, uniform
gaussian_numbers = normal(size=1000)
uniform_numbers = uniform(low=-3, high=3, size=1000)
plt.hist(gaussian_numbers, bins=20, histtype='stepfilled', normed=True, color='b', label='Gaussian')
plt.hist(uniform_numbers, bins=20, histtype='stepfilled', normed=True, color='r', alpha=0.5, label='Uniform')
plt.title("Gaussian/Uniform Histogram")
Well, there you have it.  You should be able to go out and make your own histograms using matplotlib, python, and numpy.  In the next post, I will introduce you to the power of matplotlib’s figure().

A Basic knowledge about the Sim Card

simcardA subscriber identity module or subscriber identification module (SIM) is an integrated circuit that securely stores the International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) and the related key used to identify and authenticate subscribers on mobile telephony devices ,such as mobile phones and computers.

It is also a portable memory chip used mostly in cell phones that operate on the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) network. These cards hold the personal information of the account holder, including his or her phone number, address book, text messages, and other data. When a user wants to change phones, he or she can usually easily remove the card from one handset and insert it into another. SIM cards are convenient and popular with many users, and are a key part of developing cell phone technology.

Sim Cards are of four (4) Types. Named as Below H1, H2, H3, H4

H1= You Will Get Normal Network On This Sim
H2= You Will Get Better Network On This Sim, Means Strong
H3= You Will Get More Better Network On This Sim, Means Stronger
H4= Normal, Better, More Better Is Nothing In Front OF This Sim.

Basically H4 Sim giving for Corporate Sim, Army Peoples etc. The Company doesn’t Provide H4 Sim To all User,because this Sim eat More bandwidth. For knowing Which Type of Sim is using Just Check Its Back Side and will Get the Sim No. and the Sim Type.

SIM cards are made in three different sizes to accommodate different devices. Most phones use mini-SIM or micro-SIM cards, which are quite small — the mini is 25 mm by 15 mm , and the micro is 15 mm by 12 mm.Full-sized cards are much larger, 85.6 mm by 53.98 mm , and are too big for most phones. All cards are only 0.76 mm thick, and the microchip contacts are in the same arrangement. This means that, with the proper adapter, the smaller cards can be used in devices designed for larger ones.

A SIM card offers security for both the user’s data and his or her calls. The cards can be locked, meaning that only someone who has the correct personal identification number (PIN) can use the card. If the phone is stolen, the thief cannot use a locked SIM or get any information off of it without the PIN.